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Q1. How can the people board the train?
Ans. The passengers at a station should board in to a connector cabinbefore the train arrives the station. When the train arrives thestation, it will not stop at all. It will slow down to pick theconnector cabin at the station on to it’s top. The passengers in theconnector should get in to the train. Once the connector was emptied,the connector will be moved to it’s rear end. The passengers who haveto get down at the next station should board in to the connector whichis at the rear end of the train roof.
Q2. How can the passengers get out off the train?
Ans. As I said earlier, the passengers who have to get down at thenext station should board in to the connector which is at the rear endof the train roof. When the next station arrives, the train will leavethe rear connector at the station itself and will pick up the newconnector from the station to it’s front end.Here is a video demo of this brilliant technology,