Every corner of India is developing in a pronto manner immaterial that its rural or urban. So everywhere you need to have a street lights to prevent burglary and other ante social activities. But the states of India are facing severe blackouts with minimal power. So how to manage the dependency now ?
Idea 1: Solar Street Lights across the country
This would be the effective idea , because it saves lots of energy been wasted in area development, those energy can be spent on useful purpose like agriculture. Tamil Nadu will be having this solar street lights across the state within 2015 as suggested by Jayalalitha, the current CM of Tamilnadu who is in Chennai
Idea 2: Using Low power consumption bulbs
This most of the people follow to reduce their current bills. But now, the government is forcing the people to use low power consumption bulbs to avoid black outs.
TN is in plan to issue low power consumption bulbs at discount rates. As per this plan, a person can buy 100 Rs bulb, which he actually needs to pay only Rs 15, the rest of the amount will be spared by the government.
Say : If a family is using 2 bulbs of 40 W each and now as per the new plan they started using 2 bulbs of 15 W each, they save 50 W . Now there are thousands of villages in the state. 50 W * 10 ^ x; x=> Number of villages in the state.
You can also visit some websites to integrate that system at your home such as Tata Power Solar System Aditya Solar
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Idea 1: Solar Street Lights across the country

Idea 2: Using Low power consumption bulbs
This most of the people follow to reduce their current bills. But now, the government is forcing the people to use low power consumption bulbs to avoid black outs.
TN is in plan to issue low power consumption bulbs at discount rates. As per this plan, a person can buy 100 Rs bulb, which he actually needs to pay only Rs 15, the rest of the amount will be spared by the government.
Say : If a family is using 2 bulbs of 40 W each and now as per the new plan they started using 2 bulbs of 15 W each, they save 50 W . Now there are thousands of villages in the state. 50 W * 10 ^ x; x=> Number of villages in the state.
You can also visit some websites to integrate that system at your home such as Tata Power Solar System Aditya Solar
People Also Visited:- Chilled Beer In TASMAC Jayalalitha in plan to close TASMAC
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