One more security guy came in and he pressed the 5th floor button. It was working fine till fifth floor… After that the lift door opened in the floor and he gone... The door closed again and when it tries to lift it back to the sixth floor, it got struck… The light gone way… I have no clue at all… I have forgotten my office reception number too...
So I have phoned to my friend, to enquire about the reception number… I am very unlucky at the moment, because he was not picking up the call... Somehow, I have managed with my cell phone light and found that the lift was strucking halfway between fifth and sixth floor… After 2 minutes, the power came back, I have a deep breath and pressed sixth floor…. When I pressed the button again, the power gone…
So then found the alarm button in the lift and pressed it and alerted the security… Even after that too, the power was not stable, it’s coming for 10 seconds and then goes OFF… Finally after 10 minutes of time, it was stable and it goes back to the ground floor again… I got panic when I have been struck in the Lift
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